Shopify Pre-Orders Pre-Sales Manager

Never miss a sale again— Apply preorders to your stockouts and let customers buy items before getting back-in-stock!

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Why Pre-Oder?

Are you losing customers because of out-of-stock products?  Or maybe you are launching new items and want to gather some preorders to gauge your customer interest?

How it works?

Generating 40% more revenue for DTC brands

preorder button

Pre-Order Button

Boost your sales significantly by implementing the Pre-Order feature on your store. The Pre-Order widget appears on out-of-stock products with the "Continue selling while stock" option

Configure Settings

Customize the subscription form and make it work the best for you. You can select options from which channels you want to gather requests, whether it’s email, SMS, or Push notifications. You can choose one or all of the options too.

Configure pre-order settings

All-in-One Inventory Management App For Stock-Outs

Recover lost sales when you have out-of-stock products

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